On the last day of 2008, ING Bank transferred its private banking business to Van Lanschot Bankers in Curaçao.
The Curacao Bar Association has studied the concept of the law regarding the authority to give instructions and the introduction of just one central procurator-general and has sent a judicial advice on this to the State Council for the Kingdom that will soon report on this.
Lt. Governor Lisa Dindial has suspended the announcement of the new pension scheme for Island Council members. It is legally laid down that the Lt. Governor must promulgate a law no later than two weeks after the approval by the Island Council, so it becomes effective.
The objection is and remains in the coming years to get the Netherlands Antilles in the world’s top-10 of the international financial services sector, says Alex Rosaria, Finance-state secretary, looking back on the past year.
Mr. van de dag is Karel Frielink (advocaat en partner bij Spigthoff Advocaten & Belastingadviseurs). Hij is sinds 12 december 2008 Deken van de Orde van Advocaten te Curaçao. Hij is daarnaast bestuurslid van de Kamer van Koophandel te Curaçao en docent ondernemingsrecht aan de Universiteit van de Nederlandse Antillen.
Curaçao has to remain Curaçao and be one in its unique diversity. There is no room for intolerance. This is, briefly summarized, the conclusion of the gathering on Saturday afternoon of over thirty people from Curaçao - people who have lived and worked on the island (for a long time) but also those who live abroad and are back for the holidays - in “Landhuis Bloemhof”.
On November 10, 2007 the Netherlands opened an account with the Bank of the Netherlands Antilles for the debt restructuring and elimination of arrears in payments of the Country of the Netherlands Antilles and the Island Territories of Curaçao and St. Maarten. On December 11, 2008 an amount of 464 million guilders (203 million Euros) was deposited on this account for the elimination of the payment arrears of the Central Government, Curaçao and St. Maarten. On Friday, December 19, the Minister of Finance of the Netherlands Antilles, Ersilia de Lannooy, and the State Secretary of the Interior and Kingdom Affairs, Ank Bijleveld-Schouten, signed a confirmation of the arrangements made to such effect, at the Bank of the Netherlands Antilles in Curaçao.
Parliamentarians from the Netherlands, the Netherlands Antilles, and Aruba will meet in Aruba from January 5th through 9th during the semiannual Parliamentary Deliberation Kingdom Relations (POK). The meeting is held as part of the collaboration between the three parliaments.
The College financial supervision (Cft) agreed with Finance-minister Ersilia de Lannooy (PNP) that the College will receive the budget before Christmas. After the College receives the budget, it will provide it with a formal advice. The agreement is also that in due course, the Land will effect a proper transfer of duties to the BES-islands and the future countries Curacao and St. Maarten.
Geschreven door Gerritjan van Oven
Zondag 14 december vond in Willemstad op Curacao een demonstratie plaats tegen de Rondetafelconferentie die een nieuwe fase in de ontregeling van het Antilliaanse staatsverband heeft ingeluid. Op de foto in het Parool zien we demonstranten met een jodenster op en borden met teksten als "traishon" en " Hamas". De bezwaren van de demonstranten richten zich kennelijk niet tegen de overname van de schulden door Nederland (1,7 miljard euro ter afbetaling van 70 % van de staatsschuld) , wel tegen het financiële toezicht en de aanwijzingsbevoegdheid van de Minister van Justitie van Nederland aan de Procureur-Generaal van wat in de toekomst niet meer de Nederlandse Antillen genoemd mag worden.
Geschreven door Eric R. de Vries
dinsdag, 16 december 2008
Afgelopen week mocht ik voor een transactie naar onze zuiderburen in de west, Venezuela. Het land telt omstreeks 26 miljoen inwoners, anderhalf keer zoveel als in het Koningrijk der Nederlanden.
Bij aankomst in de hoofdstad, Caracas, vraag ik mij af hoe het kan dat mensen zo dicht bij de Antillen onder zo'n slechte omstandigheden leven. De armoede druipt van de bergen af, met honderd duizenden op elkaar gepropte hutjes die op instorten lijken te staan. Hoe zou het zijn daar iedere dag wakker te moeten worden, of hoe lang zou het duren voordat ik daar niet meer wakker wordt?
The separate databank for high-risk youths from the Antilles and Aruba is probably off for forever. The cabinet is now considering including these youths in an alarming system for all youths in the Netherlands that threaten to go off the rails.
A number of arrangements were made to make the Cross Reference High-risk Youths (VIR) a fully fledged alternative for the cross reference Antillean high-risk youths, the VIA. The Antilles municipalities are going to be included in the VIR in the first quarter of 2009, so that the coordinators of the casus-deliberations can become aware of the high-risk youths’ data, indicated the ministry of Vrom.
Consultancy Deloitte takes part in the tender procedure around the implementation of the projects of the Social Economic Initiative (SEI), states Deloitte itself in a press release.
With great indignation, the Business Association of Curacao (VBC) has taken note of the fact that before the Christmas recess, the Island Council of Curacao has forced through an ample pension scheme for former, current, and also future council members and commissioners.
With the signing of the Conclusions of the Test-Round Table Conference (T-RTC) at the naval base in Parera yesterday, all Kingdom parts approved the result of the draft-phase for the political changes in the Kingdom. Next is the implementation-phase, with which the concrete status of the several islands and new countries must gradually become reality.
At the Curaçao Bar Association’s annual meeting held on 12 December 2008, Karel Frielink (Spigthoff) was formally elected to serve as President of the Curaçao Bar Association for a two year-term. He is the successor of Eric de Vries (HBN).
The Business Association of Curacao (VBC) finds it ‘short-minded’ when administrators and politicians expect the private sector to lower their prices of goods and services, because the oil products are constantly becoming cheaper on the international market.
The judge has put taxi-union Sinusta in the right against Sunny Adventure Tours. This agency may not pick up tourists from the airport and transfer them to their hotel or elsewhere, because only taxis are allowed to do this, according to the LAW Public Transportation.
De Telegraaf recently won legal proceedings instituted against the publishing house in Amsterdam. Hans Kroeze and Karin Wooning, living in Curaçao, believed after De Telegraaf broke off the negotiations, to already have an agreement with the Dutch newspaper. Notably to print De Telegraaf in Curaçao and to distribute the newspaper in Curaçao and later also to distribute it in Aruba and Bonaire.