PHILIPSBURG--The Joint Court of Justice on Tuesday rejected requests for additional forensic investigations and for the hearing of witnesses in the appeal of Nikerson Boireau.
WILLEMSTAD – Nederland is over de streep gegaan in de zaak James Murray. De man die in 1979 op Curaçao de zesjarige Darly Lai om het leven bracht heeft 33 jaar vastgezeten zonder enig realistisch uitzicht op kans van vrijlating.
WILLEMSTAD – President van het Hof mr. Evert Jan van der Poel en vicepresident mr. Eunice Saleh hebben onlangs het geschenkboek Liber Donum?! van advocaat mr. Mirto Murray in ontvangst genomen.
PHILIPSBURG--The new board of the National Institute for Professional Advancement (NIPA) has begun efforts to adapt its statutes to, amongst other things, enhance communication from the board to stakeholders and to prevent a recurrence of the issues that plagued the former board.
MARIGOT--Former President of the Territorial Council Alain Richardson has cautioned he expects the State to fight “tooth and nail” to reduce what is owed if the Constitutional Court agrees the Collectivité never received just compensation for the transfer of competences at the time of the change of status in 2007.
PHILIPSBURG--A 47-year-old man on Thursday received a conditional NAf. 500 fine, on two years’ probation, for his involvement in a case of domestic violence.
WILLEMSTAD - Het pilot-project „Tienda di Prevenshon‟ in de wijk Noord Santa Rosa is een succes gebleken. Dit kan worden geconcludeerd uit een laatste enquête die onlangs in de wijk is gehouden.
WILLEMSTAD — De Staten konden vandaag geen standpunt innemen over veroordeelde parlementariërs. Er was geen quorum, dus werd de openbare vergadering geschorst.
WILLEMSTAD — Drie rechters van het hof namen drie weken de tijd om zich te buigen over de getuigenverzoeken die advocaat Chester Peterson namens Statenlid Amérigo Thodé (MFK) indiende in de zaak Mantel, over schending van zijn ambtsgeheim.
PHILIPSBURG - The Kingdom Detectives Cooperation Team (RST), conducted two searches yesterday and today under the authority of the investigating judge. The searches took place at a house and at a Trust Company.
DUTCH CARIBBEAN - Dutch passport holders, including those who reside on the islands of Curacao, Sint Maarten, Aruba, Saba, St. Eustatius, and Bonaire, continue to be ELIGIBLE to travel to the U.S. under the Visa Waiver Program (VWP) by first applying for Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA).
WILLEMSTAD – De inval van Justitie bij Asfalt Lake Recovery dinsdagochtend wijst op mogelijke betrokkenheid van Curaçao bij een internationaal milieuschandaal.
PHILIPSBURG--More than US $200,000 was confiscated on Monday, April 18, when a Colombian money courier was apprehended by members of the St. Maarten Police Force.
CARACAS - Venezuela’s economic and political woes are set to curtail Opec member’s oil production, adding to a growing list of supply disruptions that are helping to prop up global crude prices.