Aircraft Liens and Detention Rights

Published by: Sweet & Maxwell
General Editor: Graham McBain

Aircraft Liens and Detention Rights covers the rights of third parties to seize and detain aircraft until unpaid debts are met or if aviation law has been infringed.

This useful looseleaf:

  • Offers an analysis of liens (domestic and foreign) of sellers, repairers, maintenance providers, salvors and contractors
  • Shows how aircraft owners, airlines and financiers are affected by liens and detention rights
  • Covers over 60 of the busiest jurisdictions, addressing the key issues on a comparative basis
  • Details the powers of airport and air navigation authorities (including Eurocontrol) to detain and sell aircraft for unpaid landing, parking and air navigation fees
  • Sets out government powers to detain and forfeit aircraft
  • Provides vital information of interest to airlines, banks and finance houses, airports, aviation authorities, and aircraft repair and maintenance companies
  • Presents the information in question and answer format, so that information can be readily found, and technical issues easily understood


Read the chapter on the Netherlands Antilles here.

Aircraft Liens and Detention Rights
Number of volumes: 2
ISBN: 9780752006253
Published by: Sweet & Maxwell
General Editor: Graham McBain

September, 2009

Thanks to: STvB (Curacao) Advocaten


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