Second prosecutor in "Hector" investigation
- June 05, 2015 9:09 PM
BES Islands - Today mrs. mr. M. Boheur was sworn in as Prosecutor at the Public Prosecution Office BES on Saba. With the swearing a Royal Decree comes in force with which she is temporarily appointed to that job.
Mrs. Boheur works at the Public Prosecution Office in Rotterdam but came to Saba to cooperate in the Hector investigation together with mrs. mr. Overmeer. Mrs. mr. Overmeer is the prosecutor within OM BES and is charged in particular with Saba and St. Eustatius and thus the obvious person to handle the investigation Hector.
The Prosecution Office BES is a small office and investigations with a scope and intensity as the Hector investigation should be done in addition to the already crowded usual work. To do both the one and the other well, assistance is required.
Next to Mrs. Boheur also a senior public prosecutor from Rotterdam arrived this week to assist. This concerns Mrs. C. Sterk. Because of the arrival of Mrs. Sterk the workload -caused by investigation Hector- for the prosecutor secretaries of the Public Prosecutor's Office BES is manageable.
For the purpose of investigation Hector both on the police side and the Public Prosecutor side there is assistance available from the Prosecutors Office and National Police from the European Netherlands, besides the support for the team from the RST.
The responsibility for and management of the investigation still lie of course with the Prosecutor's Office BES and KPCN.
Assistance for the Public Prosecutor's Office BES in large investigations is not new. Recently, for the purpose of the Country Garden case, mr. R. Rammeloo has been working -next to mr. Hambeukers from the Public Prosecutor's Office BES- on Bonaire. Mr. Rammeloo will soon arrive again to collaborate with the local Prosecutor's Office since not all court sessions of the investigation Country Garden have been completed.
As is well known assistance of the National Police, the RST and other forces from the region were given to KPCN in Country Garden also.
The Public Prosecutor's Office BES is very satisfied with the support from the Netherlands because it allows the local Public Prosecutor's Office not only to fulfill the tasks in such large studies adequately, but also to keep working on other regular tasks and studies on the three islands.
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