Anaesthesiologist still working despite Inspectorate’s request for suspension

PHILIPSBURG - Anaesthesiologist Dr. Andriy Danyltsiv continues to perform work at St. Maarten Medical Center (SMMC), despite a request from Inspectorate of Health Dr. Earl Best that his employment be “put on hold” pending further checks into Danyltsiv’s recent work history.
Best could not be reached for comment. Danyltsiv began working at SMMC on May 15, based on a Ministerial Decree that had been issued for his employment in St. Maarten. The Inspectorate recently requested that his employment be put on hold.
In response to several questions The Daily Herald posed on this issue last week, SMMC said on Sunday that it continues to make use of Danyltsiv’s services under supervision of its senior anaesthesiologist, pending the further inquiry by the inspectorate with the knowledge that he has an official license issued by Health Minister Emil Lee, which has not been withdrawn by the minister. The hospital said it does not acknowledge statements made in other sections of the media that a patient’s life was in danger while receiving care by Danyltsiv.
SMMC explained that it conducts routine reference checks for every viable local or foreign candidate applying for medical specialist positions at the institution. These checks, SMMC added, are conducted according to SMMC’s policies and requirements laid down in the laws of St. Maarten.
The law requires that the Minister of Health issues a signed Ministerial Decree for medical specialists to work in St. Maarten. To obtain a Ministerial Decree, the Department of Education examines a candidate’s educational background to determine if the candidate is qualified for that specific field of medicine for which employment is requested, comparable or equivalent to the European or American standards.
After such an evaluation, all relevant documents are submitted to the Department of Health, which submits the documents to the Healthcare Council for a second evaluation on the candidate’s application. The Healthcare Council issues an advice via the department to the minister. The Department of Health issues its final advice to the Minister of Health.
Based on these evaluations and advice the Health Minister issues a Ministerial Decree allowing the medical specialist to gain employment in St. Maarten.
SMMC said a ministerial decree was signed by Lee for Danyltsiv on April 22, after completion of the routine checks. SMMC then signed an employment contract with Danyltsiv starting May 15, “after receiving the final and official clearing.” Danyltsiv began working with anaesthesiologist Dr. Yelena George, who has 12 years in service at SMMC, the institution said in its response.
SMMC said it learnt early last week that Best had requested “additional advice” on Danyltsiv’s recent work history. Best had suggested that the anaesthesiologist’s work be “put on hold” while this is taking place. “We trust that the Inspectorate and the Ministry of Health will work together with SMMC to allow qualified medical specialists to provide the much-needed care to our patients,” SMMC said.
The Daily Herald

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