Micro-credit aid available for families in difficulty

MARIGOT--A convention was signed between the Collectivité and Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations (CDC) on Monday that will make micro-credit available to families in difficulty via the postal bank in St. Martin (La Pôste).
The three-way partnership brings another supplementary financial aid to the people facilitated by the Social Affairs and Families Department headed by Vice-President Ramona Connor.
Connor said there were a number of families in precarious situations who were not qualified to access loans from banks or credit institutions in the normal manner and thus this particular aid helped to reduce social inequality and exclusion.
Implementing the micro-credit assistance was voted by the Executive Council on December 1, 2015.
Caisse des Dépôts is guaranteeing the personal loans up to 3,000 euros on behalf of La Pôste. Borrowers have up to 36 months to pay the money back at four per cent interest.
Regional Director for CDC in the Antilles-Guiana Richard Curnier thanked La Pôste for taking part in this initiative.
Postal Bank Regional Director Michèle Paolini said helping the more “vulnerable” segments of the population have access to banking facilities was one of La Pôste’s missions. “With four Post Offices in St. Martin for banking and mail services, La Pôste is a true economic actor on the island,” she added.
Connor also thanked La Pôste for agreeing to take part when other banks in St. Martin had declined during the two years of preparations and negotiations to implement the project.
“150 or 300 euros may not sound like a lot, but for some people it can unblock a situation, like placing a guarantee on an apartment or a deposit on a [refrigerator – Ed.],” she pointed out. “The Collectivité’s role is to accompany these families, but also instil responsibility in them.”
Persons wishing to apply for these micro-credits should visit the Social Affairs Department in Concordia and discuss their situation with a social worker.
Joining Ramona Connor was Social Affairs Department Director Corinne Helary-Planchon and Director for Social Exclusion Evelyne Ratchel-Jacob.
The press conference was also an opportunity to present the new Post Office director for St. Martin, Katy Roesh.

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