Minister Plasterk signs multi-year programme

ST. EUSTATIUS--During his first visit to St. Eustatius since January 2015 and the first one after he submitted the Island Government to financial and administrative supervision more than half a year ago,
Minister of Home Affairs and Kingdom Relations Ronald Plasterk on Monday signed the so-called Multi-Year Programme for Statia.
During a special ceremony at Gertrude Judson Bicentennial Public Library on Monday morning, Minister Plasterk underlined the importance of the various social and economic investments included in the five-year plan.
“The execution of the programme will require cooperation from all sides of government,” Plasterk cautioned. “Despite some delay, we now need to work together on what is a first step.”
Approval of the Multi-Year Plan was stalled in June 2015 by the introduction of higher supervision. The plan includes three areas of focus: economic development, measures to alleviate poverty and the rights of the child.
Minister Plasterk pointed out that all three areas were interdependent. He also confirmed that the new political atmosphere “for getting things done together” was highly welcomed.
To emphasize the scope and scale of the plan, the Minister singled out an island road-renovation scheme amounting to an investment of US $6 million and a UD $450,000 school-improvement grant.
Commissioner of Constitutional Affairs Reginald Zaandam of United People’s Coalition (UPC) expressed his delight during the “landmark” signing. “This document is a change from the last four years. Instead of using medical plasters to solve all our shortcomings, we now have an integrated approach to combat poverty…and most importantly lay the groundwork for working towards the financial sustainability of Statia.”
“This Multi-Year Plan can only reach its full potential if the red tape in dealing with several ministries does not become an obstacle for constant delay,” Zaandam warned. “Nevertheless, Statia is ready and eager to await the input of The Hague to execute this plan,” the Commissioner said.
Also present at the signing ceremony were Island Governor Gerard Berkel, Finance Commissioner Astrid McKenzie-Tatem for Progressive Labour Party (PLP), all members of the Island Council, as well as Island Secretary Louis van Ameijden.
In the afternoon, Minister Plasterk was presented with the official responses of Bonaire, Statia and Saba to the Evaluation Report of the Committee Spies on the islands’ status as public entities of The Netherlands.
Plasterk also met with Governor Berkel, Commissioners Zaandam and McKenzie-Tatem and with the Island Council. A meet-and-greet with social partners and a visit to Hazel Plantation were part of his itinerary as well. Minister Plasterk will be in St. Maarten today, Tuesday.
The Daily Herald

Lawyer Roeland Zwanikken considers legal action against ABN AMRO Bank

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