Caribbean tourism officials working with health agency to help control Zika spread

BRIDGETOWN, Barbados – The public-sector-led Caribbean Tourism organization (CTO) and its private sector counterpart, the Caribbean Hotel and Tourism Association (CHTA), say they are observing national, regional and international health protocols in dealing with the mosquito-borne Zika virus.
They said they have been in close contact with the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) to monitor and research the Zika cases that had surfaced in some Caribbean destinations, and to communicate prevention and control measures to residents and visitors.
Public health authorities in the Caribbean are working diligently to mitigate the effects of the Zika virus, which is spread by the Aedes aegypti mosquito that is found all throughout the tourism-dependent region.
Yesterday, the Trinidad-based CARPHA urged the region not to downplay the virus.
It strongly advised the adoption of personal protective measures to avoid mosquito bites and the reduction of mosquito breeding grounds, at a press conference held to address the issue.
So far, 22 countries and jurisdictions in the Americas with Zika virus cases, including four CARPHA member states – Guyana, Barbados, Haiti and Suriname.
Zika’s presence in the Caribbean is rapidly evolving with “good conditions for spread in the Caribbean,” CARPHA said, pointing out that “we have abundant mosquitoes, a lot of travel and movement, and a completely susceptible population”.
Given the nature of the Zika, the unusual increases in two conditions associated with the virus – microcephaly and Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) – and the fact that there is no specific treatment, vaccine or preventive drug, CARPHA has underscored the necessity to avoid contact with mosquitoes.
There have been hundreds of cases of babies with microcephaly – underdeveloped brains and small heads – born to mothers who got Zika during pregnancy, especially the first three months.
There has also been a significant increase in patients with GBS, a rare nerve disorder that causes muscle weakness and even limb paralysis. While most people recover in weeks/months, in severe cases life support may be required if muscles for breathing are too weak.
“The issue of mosquito or vector control therefore plays an extremely important role and is not just the responsibility of government. All of us have a responsibility to reduce/eliminate breeding sites. Health facilities, hotels and tourism facilities, ports of entry, and schools are among the key sites for ensuring mosquito control,” CARPHA’s executive director Dr. James Hospedales said.
“This is a new disease and it is not clear just how it will manifest in our populations. I must also note that mosquito control is failing; and that we must do better. The situation we experienced with ChikV (chikungunya virus), and now the threat of Zika, underlines that we need to get much more serious.”
Caribbean 360

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