Caribbean Netherlands Prosecutor’s Office, Police Force more effective

THE HAGUE--The Public Prosecutor's Office for Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba, the Caribbean Netherlands Police Force and other partners in the criminal justice system have been doing a good job and are operating more effectively.
However, a number of concerns and weaknesses still need tackling.
Dutch Minister of Safety and Justice Ivo Opstelten stated this in a letter to the Second Chamber of the Dutch Parliament in response to two recent reports of the Law Enforcement Council ("Raad voor de Rechtshandhaving") about the commanding of the Caribbean Netherlands Public Prosecutor's Office, the execution of criminal verdicts and a review-investigation of the filing of reports (of crimes) at the police stations.
The minister agreed with the Law Enforcement Council that the Prosecutor's Office for the three islands had made quite some progress in the quality and effectiveness. He lauded the fact that the department in question had largely caught up where it came to execution of criminal verdicts by diminishing the pile of outstanding jail sentences, caused by a shortage of prison cells in the past.
The minister concluded that the Prosecutor's Office, the Police Force and their partners in the justice sector, through their solid cooperation, have managed to create a criminal justice system that is well-positioned and in which parties strengthen each other.
However, areas of concern remain where it comes to the Prosecutor's Office. "The process remains vulnerable due to the increasing workload and small scale," stated Opstelten. He said that the vulnerabilities in the youth criminal law and the process of the execution of criminal verdicts, as indicated by the Law Enforcement Council, had his attention and that of the Prosecutor's Office. He added that an ICT facility was currently being created to aid in the execution of criminal verdicts.
The minister also shared the conclusion of the Law Enforcement Council in its report on the review-investigation of the reporting crimes that big steps have been taken since 2012 to improve the process of reporting crimes. There is more control of the process whereby reports are being prioritised. Investments have been made in an adequate registration system and the professional handling of personnel.
The recent renovation of police stations in the Caribbean Netherlands has also contributed to the reporting process. Special areas were constructed at the new main police station in Bonaire which was opened in 2014, while authorities are looking at a small location at Windwardside, where people can easily file a report.
Opstelten informed the Second Chamber that the Caribbean Netherlands Police Force was still under construction with a current workforce of 140 full-time persons, including 18 members of the Royal Dutch Marechaussee. Nine persons will conclude their basic police training in 2016.
The Law Enforcement Council stated in its November 2014 report on the criminal justice system that there were indications that the Caribbean Netherlands Police Force still lacked in quality, despite the big improvements and that the organisation hadn't reached an "adult" status as yet.
The Dutch Government has made large investments in the capacity of the Police Force and the Prosecutor's Office, without considering the fact that these investments would automatically increase the workload of other partners in the justice system.
The Law Enforcement Council mentioned crimes committed by minors and the lack of facilities to treat and detain these youngsters, as a recurring issue in talks with people in the justice sector. It was described as one of the biggest problems on the islands.
According to stakeholders, there are holes in the criminal justice system where it comes to effectively tackling youth crime. There is no criminal law system for minors, as a result of which there is also no youth detention facility.
The Daily Herald
Aandacht voor terugkoppeling na aangiftes
DEN HAAG — De procedure voor het doen van een aangifte bij de politie in Caribisch Nederland is de afgelopen twee jaar flink verbeterd, maar mensen die een aangifte doen horen er weinig van terug. Dat blijkt uit een onderzoek voor de Raad van de Rechthandhaving. Minister Ivo Opstelten van Justitie schrijft dat de terugkoppeling inmiddels de aandacht heeft van de korpschef.
De Raad voor de Rechtshandhaving is over het algemeen positief over de vooruitgang die geboekt is. In 2014 werd veel beter bepaald welke aangiftes prioriteit hebben en wie de verantwoordelijkheid dragen dan in 2012. Ook de ruimte waar burgers aangifte kunnen doen is verbeterd. Een gebrekkige kennis van de Nederlandse taal bij politieagenten heeft wel als gevolg dat aangiftes niet de gewenste kwaliteit hebben en politieagenten worden daar te weinig op aangesproken. “Het open met elkaar bespreken van bijvoorbeeld de kwaliteit van een aangifte vraagt om een hoge mate van taakvolwassenheid, waar blijvend in geïnvesteerd moet worden”, aldus de Raad.
Als concreet punt van aandacht noemt de organisatie de terugkoppeling naar de burgers die aangifte hebben gedaan. “Hoewel de terugkoppelmomenten inmiddels zijn beschreven en er incidentele initiatieven zijn geweest om dit onderdeel van het aangifteproces op te pakken, is er in de praktijk sinds 2012 weinig verbeterd. De inspanningen van het KPCN, en met name de chef Intake om hier hernieuwde prioriteit aan te geven zijn dan ook zeer wenselijk.”
In een begeleidende brief aan de Tweede Kamer schrijft Opstelten dat de korpschef hier inmiddels mee bezig is. “Zo wordt de aangever per brief geïnformeerd over de te verwachte terugkoppeling alsmede over het Bureau Slachtofferhulp en wat dit kan betekenen voor de betrokkene.” Burgers worden vervolgens ook nog eens per e-mail geïnformeerd over de ontwikkelingen.

Lawyer Roeland Zwanikken considers legal action against ABN AMRO Bank

THE HAGUE--Attorney-at-law Roeland Zwanikken at St. Maarten’s BZSE law office is considering legal action against the intention of the Dutch ABN AMRO Bank to close the bank accounts of its clients in the Dutch Caribbean.

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