Recruitment campaign VanEps Kunneman VanDoorne results in three new lawyers

The recruitment campaign launched by law firm VanEps Kunneman VanDoorne earlier this year has resulted in three new lawyers for the firm.
After Brian Zending and Raoul Profijt in Curacao, the third and last lawyer also starts at the Bonaire office with the employment of Tessa Breugom.
VanEps Kunneman VanDoorne mainly focused the campaign “Advocaat in de Cariben” (Lawyer in the Caribbean) in the Netherlands to convince young Caribbean talent to choose for a legal career on the islands. 
With the theme “selfie”, the firm showed what the legal profession encompasses here, and challenged starters and young professionals to think about where their heart lies. The firm constantly looks for new talent and is happy with the three new associates, who each have the required connection with the Caribbean.
Tessa joins the firm as a junior associate on 1 November 2014. As a result, the team in Bonaire will consist of six lawyers as of that date. A total of 20 lawyers work in Curacao, which includes reinforcements Brian and Raoul. A total of some 35 lawyers work at the four branch offices of the firm.
Last week, Tuesday 21 October, Brian was sworn in before the Curacao Court. He chose VanEps Kunneman VanDoorne because of the ties the firm has with Surinam, where it also provides its services to clients. As the 
son of a Surinam father, he is eager to assist in reinforcing these ties. In addition, he has a particular interest in Intellectual Property law, and VanEps Kunneman VanDoorne has a flourishing practice in this field.
Brian considered the ceremony to be more special than expected in advance. He studied law because of his ambition to work as an attorney, which is why it was a special moment for him when he took the oath to this 
effect. “I wanted to enter the legal profession because it appealed to me that you can influence real-life situations with your knowledge of the law. Being sworn in, this ambition has become a reality and I can officially practice the profession. That is not a formality and I thoroughly realized that during the session,” Brian said.
Raoul and Tessa will be sworn in later. 
In the picture; Brian Zending, in front, after being sworn in. The session was attended by a considerable delegation of VanEps Kunneman VanDoorne, including Raoul Profijt (top right) who will be sworn in himself at a later date.

Lawyer Roeland Zwanikken considers legal action against ABN AMRO Bank

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