Topper’s owner released from pre-trial detention

PHILIPSBURG - H.A.D., the owner of Topper's Restaurant, was released on September 29, on the condition that he may not leave the island without consent, and must hand in his passport.
D.'s 48-year-old wife M.R.D. had also been arrested, but was released the same day.
His lawyer asked for his release pending the further investigation of D.'s possession of a firearm, for which he was arrested on September 17, after police found a fully-loaded .22 calibre handgun and a box with 83 bullets at one of the restaurants and a fully-loaded .38 revolver at D,'s home.
The prosecutor did not argue the request, but asked the judge that certain conditions be attached to the release, to ensure that the investigation could continue. D. himself agreed with the conditions.
His medical state, his "advanced age" of 66, the fact that he did not have the firearms on his person, the traumatic experience that D. had encountered due to violence in the past, and the fact that he was in the process of applying for a gun permit were reasons taken into consideration in the decision to release D.
It has not been an easy few weeks for the restaurant owners. Only a few days ago, an accident saw a young woman drive into their Simpson Bay restaurant, causing extensive damage.
(The Daily Herald)
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The owners of Topper's restaurant was represented in this case by attorney Remco Stomp of Stomp lawyers in Sint Maarten.

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