Inspectorate weighs in on verdict in Arrindell case

PHILIPSBURG -- Inspector General Dr. Earl Best weighed in on Tuesday on the recent court verdict in the case of Dr. Angelica Arrindell.
Judge Coen Luijks ruled recently that the decision by the Inspectorate of Public Health to suspend Arrindell's medical practice on July 21 was "completely unfounded."
Best said Arrindell's practice had been suspended temporarily based on complaints received, the investigation carried out and in expectation of an evaluation of her health status. Meanwhile, she appealed in court the decision taken by the Inspectorate.
Best said the judge's ruling on August 22 was "purely based on the lack of a legal basis for the authority of the Inspectorate to take such a measure against a medical professional and not considering the circumstances and notwithstanding the received report on her medical status."
Although the Inspectorate realises the need for new legislation regarding medical professionals, it still has the legal task of safeguarding the community against poor quality of care and unsafe care and had hoped the judge would have taken this into consideration, Best said. By law the Inspectorate has to guarantee that care provided to the community of St. Maarten is being given in a responsible manner.
Best said the Inspectorate was reconsidering its position and the Ministry VSA had marked the announcing of the Individuele Beroepen in de gezondheidszorg (BIG) ordinance as a very high priority.
The Inspectorate will continue to strive and work towards internationally accepted quality standards of care and patient safety for the community of St. Maarten, he said.
Arrindell's brother, family practitioner Dr. Pedro Arrindell, had said in an open letter to Health Minister Cornelius de Weever following the announcement of the suspension in June that nine months ago his sister had become intermittently mentally challenged, which had led to various incidents in which her medical competence was compromised. He said he had put a contingency plan in place for any of her patients who believed he would manage the continuity of their care better.
(The Daily Herald)
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