Official approval needed to study nuclear science in Netherlands

NETHERLANDS - All students wishing to study nuclear science in the Netherlands will have to ask for official clearance, regardless of their nationality, under new education ministry rules, news agency ANP reports.

At the moment Iranian students are banned from studying nuclear science in the Netherlands, based on UN sanctions aimed at stopping Iran from developing nuclear weapons.
But the Dutch supreme court ruled in December this discriminates against Dutch nationals with Iranian roots. Three dual-national Dutch-Iranians – an undergraduate, a graduate student and a professor – went to court to have the ban ruled illegal. Lower courts had also found in their favour.
In answer to questions from the Socialist Party and D66 Liberals, education minister Jet Bussemaker said there is no reason to apologise to these students or to offer them compensation, ANP reported.
However, in order to ‘guarantee international safety’ all students regardless of their nationality will have to ask for clearance, the minister said. The new rules should be completed before the summer.
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