Launch of Volume 3 of the European Yearbook of Disability Law

BRUSSELS -  Volume 3 of the European Yearbook of Disability Law will be launched today at a Research Colloquium at the European Parliament in Brussels.

The European Yearbook of Disability Law is part of the ongoing research programme of the Maastricht Centre for Human Rights of Maastricht University and the Centre for Disability Law and Policy of the National University of Ireland Galway.

Each Yearbook contains a series of articles on current challenges and developments from senior analysts and academics working in the field. It aims to provide critical insight in the evolution of European disability law and policy and offers analysis of pressing challenges in a broad range of fields. The core consists of a review of the preceding year’s significant events, as well as a review of policy and legal developments within the institutions of the European Union. It reviews major EU policy developments, studies and other publications, legislative proposals, and case law from the Court of Justice of the European Union, and the European Court of Human Rights.

The European Yearbook of Disability Law plays a key role in delivering accessible and informative material on disability rights in the EU, and aims to inform interested parties about European developments in disability law and policy. Volume 3 of the Yearbook, and its predecessors, are therefore essential reference tools for all stakeholders who wish to acquire an overview of the current status of laws and policies that effect persons with disabilities in the EU. This event will support efforts to further inform and raise awareness of disability rights, laws and policies across Europe and within the EU Institutions.

Volume 3 includes the following sections:

Part I: Articles and Practitioners’ Notes

’Disability Policies and the Open Method of Coordination’ – Mark Priestley.

’The EU Disability Framework under Construction: New Perspectives through Fundamental Rights Policy and EU Accession to the CRPD’ – Alexander Hoefmans.

’Principles and Promises in the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities’ – Jan C.M. Willems.

’EU-US ICT Standardization Dialogue on eAccessibility: Background and Achievements’ – Inmaculada Placencia and Martina Sindelar, Ileana Martinez, David Capozzi, and Terry Weaver.

Part II: Annual Review of European Law and Policy

The European Union

The Council of Europe

Other European Intergovernmental Organizations and Civil Society Groups

Part III: Annex of Key Documentation


Prof. Lisa Waddington (European Disability Forum Chair in European Disability Law, Maastricht University)
Prof. Gerard Quinn (Director, Centre for Disability Law and Policy, National University of Ireland, Galway)
Dr. Eilionóir Flynn (Senior Research Fellow, Centre for Disability Law and Policy, National University of Ireland, Galway)
Editorial Board:
Prof. Theresia Degener (Evangelischen Fachhochschule Rheinland-Westfalen-Lippe, Germany)
Prof. Aart Hendriks (Chair in Health Law at Leiden University/Leiden University Medical Centre and Managing Health Law Advisor to the Royal Dutch Medical Association (KNMG), Utrecht, the Netherlands)
Prof. Bjørn Hvinden (Head of Research & Deputy Director NOVA, Norway)
Dovile Juodkaite (Board member of Lithuanian Disability Forum)
Anna Lawson (Senior Lecturer in Law and Member of the Centre for Disability Studies, Leeds University, United Kingdom)
Oliver Lewis (Executive Director, Mental Disability Advocacy Center, Budapest, Hungary)
John Parry (Director, Commission on Mental & Physical Disability Law, American Bar Association, USA)
Shivaun Quinlivan (Director, LLM in International and Comparative Disability Law and Policy, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland)
Advisory Board:
Prof. Peter Blanck (Chairman, The Burton Blatt Institute, Syracuse University, USA)
Prof. Christopher McCrudden (Lincoln College, Oxford University, United Kingdom)
Prof. Michael Stein (William & Mary School of Law and Executive Director, Harvard Project on Disability, Harvard Law School, USA)
Yannis Vardakastanis (President of the European Disability Forum, EU)
The launch of the book is an opportunity to bring together a range of stakeholders in the disability field, such as civil society and industry representatives, academics, human rights activists, policy-makers from European and national institutions and politicians, including Members of the European Parliament, to discuss and map out the future of European legal research and scholarship on disability.
The research colloquium, held in conjunction with the book launch, will provide a unique opportunity to increase the efforts and possibility to network and forge links between disability stakeholders from across the EU. Additionally, the occasion of the book launch is an opportunity to bring together and encourage the exchange of ideas and expertise amongst many disability stakeholders. This event will gather a wide audience from a variety of backgrounds and mandates to establish cross-sectoral links between numerous areas, most notably between, civil society, academia and EU and national institutions.
This research colloquium and the ensuing discussions are a key opportunity to frame disability policies and reform discussion as they continue to emerge. There are a number of key challenges and debates facing Europe in the coming decade, and disability scholarship can play a crucial role in providing accurate information to decision-makers, framing debates, and forming solutions to potential challenges. One example of an area where academic research can contribute to the debate is in the implementation and monitoring of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The EU concluded the Convention in 2010, and most Member States have now ratified, or are close to ratification. Current debates in this area have focused on how a division of responsibilities and competencies can be agreed between the EU and its Member States, and this is another area in which disability scholarship can provide clarity and elucidation.
The Yearbook can be ordered here.
Lancering Europees Jaarboek van Gehandicaptenrecht
De derde jaargang van het Europees Jaarboek van Gehandicaptenrecht wordt morgen gelanceerd tijdens een onderzoekscolloquium bij het Europees Parlement. Het jaarboek speelt een belangrijke rol in het leveren van toegankelijk en informatief materiaal met betrekking tot gehandicaptenrechten in de EU en beoogt belanghebbende partijen te informeren over Europese ontwikkelingen in gehandicaptenrecht en -beleid.
Het onderzoekscolloquium stelt ook de toekomst van gehandicaptenonderzoek in Europa aan de kaak. Internationale sprekers uit het Europees Parlement, de Europese gehandicaptenbeweging en academici uit heel Europa komen morgen samen om dit onderwerp te onderzoeken.
Lisa Waddington, medeoprichtster en één van de redactrices, is hoogleraar Europees Gehandicaptenrecht van het Europees Gehandicaptenforum (EDF) aan de Universiteit Maastricht. De leerstoel is gebaseerd op een unieke samenwerking tussen de gehandicaptenbeweging en de academische wereld en heeft geleid tot een eerste dergelijke leerstoel op dit gebied. “Gehandicaptenrecht wordt steeds belangrijker in Europa. De EU stelt de rechten van mensen met een handicap op veel verschillende gebieden aan de kaak en een Non-discriminatie Kaderrichtlijn van de EU heeft ertoe geleid dat alle 27 lidstaten de wetten die mensen met een handicap beschermen tegen discriminatie aannemen of aanscherpen. Bovendien nemen de EU en de meeste lidstaten deel aan een nieuw mensenrechtenverbond voor mensen met een handicap (VN Verdrag voor de Rechten van Mensen met een Beperking) en hierdoor is het werk met betrekking tot de rechten van gehandicapten wereldwijd toegenomen”, aldus Waddington.
Het Europese Jaarboek van Gehandicaptenrecht is onderdeel van een lopend onderzoeksprogramma van het Maastricht Centre for Human Rights van de Universiteit Maastricht en het Centre for Disability Law and Policy van de National University of Ireland, Galway.

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