St. James School of Medicine does not meet requirements

KRALENDIJK — If the St. James School of Medicine (SJSM) must close it will not be by order of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (OCW) but because the school doesn’t meet the requirements of the American Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG).

This appears from information from OCW following reports on a possible closing of the SJSM and questions from worried students. OCW finds it important that all parties concerned have clarity on the arisen situation.
The American Institution gave SJSM three years to meet the quality requirements from the Netherlands for recognition. However, SJSM hasn’t received a positive credential assessment from the Dutch Flemish Credential Organization (NVAO). This means the Netherlands cannot recognize the training.
Just like the other medical schools in the Caribbean area, SMSM is an institution for higher education according to American law, which focuses on gaining the American degree of Medical Doctor. Recognition by the Netherlands is important for SJSM because it’s one of ECFMG’s conditions to remain registered in the International Medical Education Directory (IMED). IMED lists international medical schools recognized by the government of the country of establishment. Only students from medical schools listed in IMED are allowed to do the American exams, which if completed to satisfaction, lead to the degree of Medical Doctor.
The Dutch government is aware of the economic importance of the medical schools for the Caribbean Netherlands Islands. The Netherlands has the same rules as the country Netherlands Antilles had: a medical school is – as private company – allowed to provide education in Caribbean Netherlands, without permission from the Dutch government. Recognition by the Dutch government is therefore not obligated but if a medical school wishes recognition by the Dutch Minister of OCW the school must meet the Dutch legal requirements for good quality higher education, as established by the Law higher education and scientific research. Students are guaranteed good quality education with recognition by the Dutch government. This is also important for employers wishing to employ graduates. Credential recognition from the Dutch Flemish Credential Organization (NVAO) is necessary for recognition by the Netherlands and subsequently a positive assessment from the Schools Inspectorate. All medical schools in Caribbean Netherlands were informed of this on October 13th 2010 through a joint letter from the Ministers of OCW and VWS.
In 2010 SJSM started the procedure for recognition from the Dutch Minister of OCW by submitting the credential application to the NVAO. However, mid last year SJSM withdrew its application with the NVAO before the latter could give its judgment on the quality of the education in the credential decision. Assessments from the NVAO are published on the website from the NVAO, For instance, the positive credential decision from the NVAO regarding Saba University School of Medicine (Susom) can be found on this site.
The American ECFMG determined that the medical schools in Caribbean Netherlands must be recognized by the Netherlands by October 1st this year at the latest in order to remain registered in IMED. If SJSM wishes postponement of this date it is to arrange this directly with ECFMG. Subsequently, it is up to ECFMG, not the Dutch Minister of OCW, to decide on a postponement of that date.

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