Women suspected of murder on children on Curacao
- July 23, 2012 9:58 AM
WILLEMSTAD--Hotel workers in Curaçao who saw water coming out from under the door of one of the rooms Sunday evening discovered two children floating in the bathtub. The 35-year-old mother S.M.P.V. was later rescued from the sea nearby after an apparent suicide attempt.
The woman was staying at the Marriott Resort in Piscadera with the children and their grandmother since last week. Police soon learned the suspected mother had been seen leaving the hotel by car.
Not much later a woman was heard screaming in the sea near Hooks Hut. Two people on a water scooter were able to pull her out and bring her to shore, where it turned out to be the mother.
The naked woman was in a confused state and after some minor treatment at the hospital has been interned at the Capriles mental health clinic. She reportedly claims her mother was responsible for killing the girls.
It involves six-year-old twins, both with the initials A.A.C.N.M. An autopsy has been ordered and the investigation continues.
The father has meanwhile been notified. The local honorary consul of Belgium Ivan Moreno received instructions from the Embassy in Caracas not to make any statements on the case.
The grandmother will have to remain on the island for now. She is being questioned by police, while psychologists were going to have to talk with the crazed mother.
Vrouw verdacht van moord op kinderen op Curacao
WILLEMSTAD - Een Belgische 35-jarige vrouw wordt ervan verdacht haar twee kinderen, twee meisjes van zes jaar oud, gisteravond in een hotelkamer in het Marriot te hebben omgebracht. De politie kreeg om 20.20 uur een melding nadat het personeel van het hotel water uit de kamer zagen komen.
Het personeel heeft de kinderen levenloos in de badkuip aangetroffen, zo meldt de politie. De moeder was met een auto weggereden van het hotel, en werd later met behulp van een jetski uit de zee van Pirate Bay gehaald. Omstanders hadden de politie gewaarschuwd nadat zij gillend was gespot in het water. De politie heeft de vrouw naar de poli van het Sehos gebracht. Op dit moment zit de vrouw vast in de Capriles Kliniek.
Het Openbaar Ministerie onderzoekt de zaak.
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