On Thursday November 18, 2010 a seminar took place at the Central Bank with the title: It takes two to tango. Building better boards. The Galan Group and VanEps Kunneman VanDoorne organized this seminar.

As guest speaker, leadership coach Mark Maraia from the United States held an inspiring session before an enthusiastic audience, consisting mainly of supervisory directors and managing directors. The Day of the Supervisory Board consisted of a lunch followed by the seminar .

For the fifth time, The Galan Group and VanEps Kunneman VanDoorne organized the Day of the Supervisory Board. This annual day is meant for managing directors, supervisory directors, managers of profit and non-profit organizations, and other interested parties.

Mark Maraia was the guest speaker at the event. He is considered an expert on business relations. In over twenty years, Mr. Maraia has held hundreds of speeches and written two books on this topic. With his hands-on mentality and energetic presentation he made a strong connection with the guests. He notably emphasized how the working relationship between supervisors and management can function more effectively. Thus, Maraia transferred to the fascinated participants how to convince people with a probing leadership style.

The organizers chose the subject Building Better Boards because they believe that for successful good governance the social dynamics between the parties involved are essential. The seminar put the emphasis mainly on how to put this into practice with practical tools. Mr. Mark Maraia: “We are living in challenging times. We are all being forced to change and grow. I gave people some tools to make it easy to allow them to grow and inspire others.“

The Galan Group helps its clients with professional but notably also pragmatic advice, both with regard to the “hard” and the “soft” side of supervision. For the “hard” side, you should think of: governance structures, setup of processes of control, horizontal and vertical accountability; codes and audits. By the “soft” side we mean: composition and profile of teams of supervisors; clear arrangements on mutual discussion, division of tasks and remuneration, evaluations, transparency in conduct, both internal and external.

As a law firm, market leader VanEps Kunneman VanDoorne advises and represents all stakeholders in corporate governance in and out of court. It is involved in the (re)structuring of organizations to make them more transparent and consequently more efficient. The firm also conducts compliance checks and is the pre-eminent legislation consultant in this field.

The Galan Group and VanEps Kunneman VanDoorne are very satisfied with how the day went by, and are determined to take on the organization again next year.

18 November 2010

Lawyer Roeland Zwanikken considers legal action against ABN AMRO Bank

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