Seizure of 588 kilos of cocaine from yacht

MARIGOT - A Customs vessel from St. Martin was one of two vessels along with a helicopter that took part in an operation last week Wednesday leading to a seizure of 588 kilos of cocaine from a sailing yacht, the Customs office in St. Martin disclosed.
The yacht Aldabra was intercepted and searched some 56 nautical miles off the West coast of Guadeloupe based on intelligence gathered and red-flagged by the Central Office for the Repression of illicit Drug Trafficking OCRTIS.
OCRTIS learnt on May 2 that transportation of a significant amount of drugs from South America was imminent.
Brigade Garde Cotes (BGC) in St. Martin Chef de Brigade Anne-Sophie Peron said Customs vessels Sua Louiga based in Anse Marcel, St. Martin, and Pitera from Pointe-à-Pitre, Guadeloupe, were accompanied by the Customs helicopter Racam from Fort-de-France, Martinique.
Eighteen Customs officers took part in the operation. On board the yacht officers found cocaine in sachets and hidden in bread rolls distributed around the vessel. On board the yacht were a man and a woman, but their nationality was not disclosed.
The yacht, its two occupants and its illicit cargo were escorted back to Fort-de-France where the couple and the drugs were handed over to OCRTIS officials.
This seizure follows the one near Martinique on April 20 where a go-fast boat was intercepted carrying 700 kilos of cannabis.

Lawyer Roeland Zwanikken considers legal action against ABN AMRO Bank

THE HAGUE--Attorney-at-law Roeland Zwanikken at St. Maarten’s BZSE law office is considering legal action against the intention of the Dutch ABN AMRO Bank to close the bank accounts of its clients in the Dutch Caribbean.

Fiscaal onderzoek bij notariskantoren vinden doorgang

In het Antilliaans Dagblad: Fiscaal onderzoek bij notariskantoren
WILLEMSTAD – De fiscale onderzoeken bij de notarissen vonden en vinden, ondanks de beperkingen van Covid-19, weer doorgang en de medewerking aan de kant van notarissen en adviseurs is daarbij ‘over het algemeen goed’.

Juridische miljoenenstrijd tussen BNP Paribas en Italiaanse prinses verhardt

  • Bezit van Italiaanse Crociani-familie op Curaçao mag van rechter worden verkocht
  • De Crociani's ruziën al jaren met BNP Paribas over een claim van $100 mln
  • Curaçaos trustkantoor United Trust heeft 'geen enkele relatie meer' met Camilla Crociani
Een Italiaanse prinses met zakelijke belangen in Nederland heeft het onderspit gedolven bij diverse rechtbanken in een langslepend conflict met zakenbank BNP Paribas.