Lawyer, 24 hours a week
- July 25, 2020 12:09 AM
Human Rights Defense Curaçao is a non-profit organization that defends human rights for all residents of Curaçao (citizens with a Dutch passport, immigrants, undocumented migrants and migrants). We are an enthusiastic and small team in a relatively new organization.
We currently consist of: a director, helpdesk officer, a project coordinator and an organizational consultant. We actively work together with a volunteer pool.
In order to complete our team, we are looking for someone who can provide legal assistance in the field of human rights protection, preferably someone with a desk qualification. It is a function of 24 hours a week. The lawyer must have a university degree in the Netherlands, Curaçao or Aruba and be well acquainted with the area of work and the regulations and procedures surrounding human rights in Curaçao, Europe and internationally. Our target group mainly consists of clients who are involved in human rights violations, including crisis migrants and refugees.
Below is the full description of the vacancy.
If you have any questions, or would like to respond to the position, you can do so via the director Mrs. Witteveen:
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The closing date of the vacancy is July 25, 2020.
HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENSE CURAÇAO (HRDC ) aims to protect the human rights of all residents of Curacao. The Foundation assumes the rights as expressed in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) on 10 December 1948, which over the years have been anchored by the international community in binding international treaties, including the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (including the right to life, equality before the law, asylum law and the refugee
treaty) and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (including work, wages, food, strike rights, basic health care and education) and from an Intercultural vision.
Based on the job requirements and the orders and policies set out by the HRDC-board and the authorities granted by the HRDC-board, provide legal assistance to the HRDC-foundation, its allied institutions and its clients mostly victims of human rights violation, crisis-migrants and refugees.
The legal assistant is part of the HRDC staff and resides directly under the Director of HRDC in which capacity he/she is obliged to follow the orders provided within the scope of HRDC’s objectives and policies on all issues mentioned in this job description. The legal assistant is fully accountable to the Director of HRDC and to the HRDC-board in all cases the board deems such to be fit.
- Law degree obtained by a University established in the Netherlands or in Curacao;
- Fit to be admitted to the bar of the Court of Law of Curacao;
- Affiliation with the cause of Human Rights protection in general and especially with regard to the protection of Refugees and crisis-migrants;
- Profound knowledge of rules and regulations as stated in the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, the European Convention on Human Rights, the Convention relating to the status of Refugees and its protocol (presently not applicable on Curacao), the National Ordinance on Admission and Expulsion of Curacao and the Admission
decree of Curacao;
- Basic knowledge of the Constitution of Curacao, the Penal code and the Code of criminal proceedings of Curacao especially with regard to the arrest and detainment of persons;
- Basic knowledge of procedures and conditions for a stay permit for Curacao and conditions for the deportation of illegal staying foreigners;
- Acquainted with (international) institutions in the field of Human Rights protection such as (but not limited to) the United Nations Commission on Human Rights (UNCHR), and Vluchtelingenwerk Nederland;
- Good communication and organizational skills, dynamic, lots of motivation and drive, love for people;
- High morals and integrity;
- Good knowledge of the Dutch, Spanish and English language as well in speaking as in writing. Papiamentu recommendable.
- Aware of the social-economic conditions on Curaçao and well-informed about these conditions in Venezuela.
The legal assistant is in charge of/responsible for:
- the execution, management and control of all legal procedures initiated by HRDC or its clients both on a national level as well on international level (European Court of Human rights);
- the engagement (recruitment) of private legal counsellors after prior written approval by the Director and/or the HRDC-board;
- coordinating the pool of legal counsellors and the assignment of the cases to the counsellors;
- consultation with the counsellors on matters of the approach and the outcome of each case as ell as on the strategies to be set out;
- take over and personally handle procedures and/or cases whenever counsellors fail to meet the objectives set out;
- bearing in mind the policies set out by the HRDC-board, apply strategic litigation to promote the defense of group Human Rights;
- keeping the Director informed on the update of relevant cases;
- maintain contact and advocate with the local authorities in all relevant matters as well as promote the speed and decisiveness of the competent authorities;
- assist in the financial administration of the fees and costs of the counsellors;
- arrange access into the detainment facilities to provide legal counselling to inmates in need of human rights protection;
- initiate in a timely manner an objection (bezwaar) against a detention and/or deportation decision issued by the authorities;
- maintain good working relations with representatives of (international) Human Rights organizations;
- guiding the administrative assistant in the proper recording and filing of all cases and relevant proceedings, correspondence with local and international institutes/organizations and with the local authorities;
- provide advice to the Director and/or the HRDC-board in all relevant legal matters concerning the HRDC-foundation, its policies and its set out objectives.
For more information:
HRDefense Curaçao, tel + 5999-7880126
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