No compromise on Police Law amendment yet
- April 15, 2010 5:15 AM
THE HAGUE--Parties didn't succeed up to late Wednesday night in finding a compromise on the controversial proposed Kingdom Consensus Law on Police amendment of the conservative VVD party, Christian Democrat Party CDA and Labour Party PvdA.
Time is pressing because the Dutch Parliament's Second Chamber is voting today, Thursday.
Parties were hopeful that they would find a compromise before the voting Thursday afternoon. But parties had also been hopeful on Tuesday night after the initiative-takers of the proposed amendment appeared willing to adapt their amendment. But the Antillean delegation's hopes of finding a solution to thwart the proposed amendment to the Police Law were crushed when the amendment proposers indicated Wednesday morning that their positions remained unchanged.
So finding a consensus on the Police Law was the topic of the day again on Wednesday, the day of the plenary handling of the Kingdom Consensus Laws in the Dutch Second Chamber. At the end of the night Antillean Prime Minister Emily de Jongh-Elhage expressed hope that parties would find a middle ground today, Thursday, the day that the Second Chamber will vote on the Kingdom Consensus Laws.
"We don't have a compromise yet," said Bas Jan van Bochove (CDA) late Wednesday night. He said parties would continue negotiations Thursday morning. I am confident that we will get out of it. And if not, the original amendment will be voted on," said Van Bochove.
This could have dramatic consequences, because a majority of the Second Chamber will vote in favour, even though the Antillean delegation opposes the proposed amendment. The lack of consensus needed for a Kingdom Consensus Law will lead to a delay in the Antillean constitutional reform process.
15 April 2010
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