VVD threatens to stop supporting the process of the political reform

The VVD is threatening to stop supporting the process of the political reform, because the decision of Minister Ella Vogelaar (PvdA) not to introduce the controversial Cross-reference Index Antilleans (VIA), is too soft. 

VVD-House member Johan Remkes has the feeling that Vogelaar is ‘seized by the summer-foolishness of the Curacao sun’.  Also CDA and PvdA are questioning the decision.

The cabinet has abandoned her original basic assumptions.  “We conclude all the more that the cabinet is way too soft towards the Antilles. Financially as well as when it comes to the approach of criminal young Antilleans in the Netherlands.  That must stop and that was the commitment of the cabinet”, said Remkes before the radio. 

VVD also questions the support of coalition partner CDA.  A general index cannot tackle the biggest problem-groups, Antilleans and Moroccans, well.  To get a good picture of the target groups, their country of origin must really be registered.  If that cannot be done, the target-group policy cannot be well-pursued.  Minister Vogelaar was even criticized by her own PvdA.  To House-member Jeroen Dijsselbloem, the viewpoint of ministers André Rouvoet (ChristenUnie) and Vogelaar is way too permissive.  Knowing who we are dealing with is very necessary.  Vogelaar is willing to discuss this matter in the Lower house.  She also said that if the House wants to force the inclusion of the ethnicity in the VIR, she will consider it.

According to press agency Novum, the Antilles-municipalities do not agree with the fact that Antilleans are not mentioned separately in the VIR.  “A spokesperson of the city of Rotterdam is wondering on behalf of all the 21 municipalities with a big Antillean population, ‘what went wrong with the minister’”, said Novum.

(Source: National newspaper Amigoe)

12 November, 2008


Lawyer Roeland Zwanikken considers legal action against ABN AMRO Bank

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