Governor annuls new pension plan
- October 07, 2010 4:06 PM
Antillean Governor Frits Goedgedrag has annulled the Island Ordinance to adapt the pension regulation for members of Curaçao's Island Council, because it goes against the general interest of the Dutch Kingdom in particular.
The representative of the Crown had already suspended the going into effect of the ordinance on September 21 for further investigation. The former Island Council had passed the ordinance at the end of its term.
"The governor recognises that the Island Council has authority to determine a pension regulation and even that this is needed, because no change was made after the introduction of full-time membership. The manner in which such a regulation is established, however, cannot be in violation of the rules of written- and unwritten laws," stated the release of the governor's cabinet.
The governor is of the opinion that –just like the earlier versions of 2007 and 2008 that were also halted- the regulation goes against the general principles of proper governance. "It regards an almost identical text and the circumstances under which this ordinance came about are comparable."
He added that when approving the latest ordinance on September 3, the Island Council completely ignored his decisions of August 15, 2007 and February 17, 2009 and the objections stated. The members also ignored advice from the committee installed by the very Executive Council, which came with a proposal for a "regulation with the best possible pension payments within the societal frameworks."
"It is evident that the retroactive force of the ordinance would have substantial budgetary consequences and requires careful preparation and consideration of the interest of the members and that of the Island Territory of Curaçao," the release continues.
"In general, it can be stated that decision-making and decisions by someone in public office cannot be influenced by personal interests. The perception that the latter influenced the decision must be avoided by an extra measure of care."
6 October 2010
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