WILLEMSTAD - Op 1 april 2012 heeft het Gemeenschappelijk Hof van Justitie van Aruba, Curaçao, St. Maarten en Bonaire, St. Eustatius en Saba verslag uitgebracht over het jaar 2011. Dit verslag omvatte de jaarrekening over 2011 en het verslag van de behaalde resultaten.
WILLEMSTAD - Iin the legal proceedings on the development of Wechi Fundashon Kas Popular (FKP) and Minister of Infrastructure Charles Cooper (MAN) were put in the right by the court this morning.
Prof. H. de Doelder, mr. J.H.J. Verbaan en mr. R.J. Verbeek (red.)
CURACAO - Nadat op 7 juli 2011 de Staten van Curaçao het Wetboek van Strafrecht hebben aangenomen, is het op 15 november 2011 in werking getreden. Dit boek bevat de integrale tekst van het Wetboek van Strafrecht.
WILLEMSTAD — The court declared the appeal from the Isla and the Minister of Public Health valid this morning. They don’t have to send an enforcement letter for the standard of the emission, as the first judge ruled in September last year.
KRALENDIJK — This is not the opportune moment to evaluate the Electoral Law, said Michiel Bijkerk of Pro Hustisia I Union (PHU). He said the amendment of the Electoral Law, as suggested by Minister Liesbeth Spies of the Interior and Kingdom Relations (BZK), is undemocratic.
PHILIPSBURG - Bureau Telecommunications and Post St. Maarten (BTP-SXM) reminded the public over the weekend that a new exit code, 011, will be introduced to St. Maarten as of today as part of St. Maarten's transition to the North American Numbering Plan (NANP).
WILLEMSTAD - The Parliament will meet next Friday in a public meeting to decide on a parliamentary inquiry into the functioning of the Intelligence Service Netherlands Antilles (VNA) and successor VDC.
WILLEMSTAD - Wim van Vemde, head of the Criminal Investigation Team (RST) disclaims all accusations that the organization had wiretapped citizens and politicians illegally and on a large-scale, as mentioned in a letter from Chairman of the Parliament Ivar Asjes (PS) to the Committee of Justice of Parliament.
WILLEMSTAD - Terry Hernandez is and will remain accountant despite the imposed measure and is a ‘Certified Fraud Controller’, according to Hernandez' attorney Bertie Braam.
As already mentioned in an earlier newspost Minister Elmer Wilsoe (Justice) has sent a new letter – dated 22 May 2012 - to the Parliament of Curacao in which he declares that the Bientu-research should be stopped because Robbie dos Santos makes use of the new voluntary disclosure scheme – the so called Repentance Regulation (Inkeerregeling).
ORANJESTAD - Reports in Asian media, in which senior executive Jiang Jiemin denied any knowledge of a deal with Valero on the Aruban oil-refinery, led to much ado on the island. For instance, parliamentarian Booshi Wever presented questions on the future of the oil refinery in San Nicolas.
PHILIPSBURG - Not keeping a registry of all shareholders of a trust will not be a punishable offence. This is so because Members of Parliament (MPs) requested that Justice Minister Roland Duncan strike the maximum three-month jail sentence from the new Penal Code passed on Friday.
ST EUSTATIUS - Dutch Minister of Home Affairs and Kingdom Relations Liesbeth Spies has rejected the first amendment of Statia's 2012 budget, but has advised the Statia government to present a new amendment based on the US $1.3 million per month "free allowance" recently approved by the Dutch Government for the public entity.
PHILIPSBURG - The retrial of former commissioner and current National Alliance (NA) Member of Parliament (MP) Louie Laveist on bribery charges, which was scheduled for Thursday, has been postponed until 3 October.
PHILIPSBURG - Any structured or organised activity involving animals, such as the tradition of cockfighting, will not be punished as abuse of animals under the new Penal Code. The code was unanimously approved by Members of Parliament (MPs) Friday afternoon after Justice Minister Roland Duncan had submitted an amendment decriminalising organised activities with animals.
WILLEMSTAD -De Orde van Advocaten Curacao wil naast opheldering van minister Elmer Wilsoe, ook opheldering van minister Hensley Koeiman, Minister van Sociale Ontwikkleing, Arbeid en Welzijn, over het huidige vreemdelingenbeleid. In een brief aan Koeiman van heden wordt de minister dringend opgeroepen om op heel korte termijn een drastische beleidswijziging door te voeren.
ZWOLLE - Heden heeft de Accountantskamer in Zwolle drie tuchtrechtelijke uitspraken gedaan met betrekking tot zaken die partijen op Curacao aangaan.
WILLEMSTAD - Accountant Terry Hernandez will be dropped from the Nivra-registry for nine months: six months for the Goede case and three months for De Lannoy case. The Dutch disciplinary judge declared the complaints on the accountant’s report founded at the Auditor’s Office today.
DEN HAAG - In navolging van verschillende andere Tweede Kamercommissies heeft ook de commissie Binnenlandse Zaken besloten de afweging over controversiële onderwerpen te verplaatsen, waarmee nog onduidelijk blijft of de Rijkswet op het Nederlanderschap nog door dit kabinet behandeld wordt of pas na de verkiezingen van 12 september.
Naar aanleiding van de klacht van Dr. Miguel Goede heeft de Accountantskamer in een uitspraak van 25 mei 2012 bepaald dat drs. Terry Hernandez voor zes maanden wordt geschrapt in het accountantsregister. Dat betekent dat hij gedurende zes maanden is geschorst en niet als registeraccountant mag werken.