NEW YORK--Moody's Investors Service has today placed the Baa2 issuer rating of the government of St. Maarten on review for downgrade. The outlook changed to “Ratings Under Review” from “Stable.”
WILLEMSTAD - In August and September 2017, four new attorneys joined the Curaçao office of law firm VanEps Kunneman VanDoorne: of counsel Olaf Komdeur, senior associate Inge van Hees-Wolswijk and junior associates Saul Castaño Ortiz and Ruthnialys Mogen.
De Universiteit Twente deed recentelijk, samen met de Universiteit van Curaçao en Saxion Hogeschool, onderzoek naar de effectiviteit en kwaliteit van de communicatie-en alarmeringsmiddelen op Caribisch Nederland.
DEN HAAG - Het wetsvoorstel dat nodig is om de Netherlands Commercial Court (NCC) van start te kunnen laten gaan, is vandaag niet controversieel verklaard door de Tweede Kamer.
PHILIPSBURG--Even though a 24-hour curfew until further notice went into effect prior to the passing of hurricane Maria on Tuesday to safeguard the safety and security of the community, numerous persons did not respect this measure and ventured out on the public streets anyhow, according to police on Wednesday.
UTRECHT - Notariskantoren hoeven voorlopig geen accountantsverklaring (samenstellingsverklaring) bij de kwartaalcijfers te overleggen aan hun toezichthouder, het Bureau Financieel Toezicht (BFT).
AMSTERDAM - De Autoriteit Financiële Markten heeft boetes van 400.000 en 500.000 euro opgelegd aan respectievelijk ABN AMRO en haar dochterbank ABN AMRO Clearing, omdat zij transacties te laat hebben gemeld.
ZWOLLE - De Curaçaose centrale bankier Emsley Tromp moet als getuige worden gehoord in het grote Nederlandse witwasproces rond het Nederlandse lingeriebedrijf CPG Worldwide. Dat besloot de rechtbank in Zwolle dinsdag.
PHILIPSBURG - Suspect M.M.R. (1962) was presented on Monday in Philipsburg before the Judge of Instruction (Rechter-commissaris). Her arrest was considered legitimate.
PHILIPSBURG--As the island is awaiting the passing of hurricane Maria out of the area, the public needs to be aware of the fact that the Sint Maarten Police Force, the Marines, together with the other law enforcement organizations on the island, will enforce a zero-tolerance policy related to the curfew, according to a police press release issued on Tuesday.
Momenteel (17.00 uur Nederlandse tijd) kondigt orkaan Maria zich al aan op de eilanden. Het regent en het begint te waaien. Maria beweegt boven de Atlantische Oceaan naar het westen en ontwikkelt zich tot een orkaan in de categorie 5 (dezelfde categorie als Irma).
PHILIPSBURG--Dangerous convict Kathron “Cuchi” Fortune (39 years) was transported on Sunday to The Netherlands, according to the Prosecutor’s Office on St. Maarten on Monday.
PHILIPSBURG - Prime Minister William Marlin together with the Emergency Operation center (EOC) makes it known as of Monday evening, September 18th at 7 PM a CURFEW will go in to effect until the passing of the Hurricane Maria and a damage assessment has been completed.
PHILIPSBURG - Minister of Tourism and Economic Affairs Mellissa Arrindell-Doncher has asked residents to be vigilant and report all instances of price gouging in the wake of Hurricane Irma.
PHILIPSBURG - This week, a detained looter in Philipsburg was presented to a Investigative Judge (Rechter-Commissaris). The coming week, the Public Prosecutor will demand the custody of the suspect.
PHILIPSBURG--The Police force of St. Maarten (KPSM) and the Prosecutor's Office (OM) are preparing for the approach of Hurricane Maria expected to pass through the area on Tuesday.
PHILIPSBURG - Detectives are presently investigating the fatal stabbing of a man residing “Over the Bank” in Philipsburg. This incident took place on Sunday September 17th between 07.00 and 08.00 a.m.